Some Halo 4 live multi-player action


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
Ali-A took a cool video of some live action earlier today and he posted this video to youtube. He's not the best player in the world but don't you suddenly feel like getting some footage of your own mayhem?

Man, at first when I saw this video and he got killed twice, I was saying "yeah, sucky dude makes yet another youtube vid". But after that second death, he started getting serious with it.
This was I really great video. Thanks for sharing it! I love watching game play, because I can focus on what there strategies and techniques are. Its a little hard to analyse what your opponents are doing while playing the game.

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The revamp is complete!
Ooops I did it again.
Please don't tell me I'm in a Ghost Town :(
So sad that Halo CE for PC is ending in a few days.
Time to start gearing up for Destiny, I guess