Thoughts on Halo 4 after the weapon tuning update?


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Things I like:

Static weapon spawns
4sk BR
2s +melee kill

Things I hate:
Automatic Weapon buff
Saw got a buff, its practically rockets now

The maps have seen some slight changes, there is a sword on Solace and Haven now which I hate since it just brings out the camo campers and sword sprinters. There are Forge maps in Infinity Slayer, it's not that they are terrible but didn't we go through this in Reach?
Maybe I'm just clueless, but I haven't really noticed any difference. But if it's affecting play that much, then maybe they'll tweak it a bit more later. Obviously they're listening to people's concerns if they're making changes to begin with, but not everybody may be on board with the changes. Didn't it say they improved player speed? I don't know if I really noticed, but I like being able to move faster in Halo 4 vs. the past games because it makes playing a lot better-paced.
It did improve player speed, I think it's 110% now. You will notice it, it take a little getting used to. The Y axis, looking up is still really slow and needed to combat the jetpackers but its worth checking it out.
Having not played since the update, I agree with everything in the OP given my preferences. Automatic weapons did plenty well in CQC, and the SAW was already potent enough. Besides, who wants Halo to be about spraying each-other down rather than strategically plinking each-other to death with precision weapons. xD
I suppose I haven't played long enough to notice changes unless they're really out there. I do think things have changed a lot overall from past games, but I was still able to pick up on things pretty quickly. I'm glad that they're making changes to suit different playing styles, but it still feels unbalanced overall.
Yeah but I see a lot more Jetpacking AR spammers now. The worst are the ones with the SAWs, after the bump they thing might as well be rockets. The playlists got updated as well but there are so many forge maps everywhere. I hardly see skyline in 4v4 IS anymore or Haven for that matter.
Yeah, not being able to play on Haven sucks. It's one of the only on-disc maps that I liked. The other Forge maps aren't that bad though.
I do agree that no one feature (or couple of features) should give players that big of an advantage. The Halo 4 multiplayer is hectic enough without people jetpacking around with huge guns. Of course, it only seems to work for other people instead of me.
At it's core Jetpacking is broken anyway because you do not have the ability to tune the "Y" axis (looking up/down). So when they have the drop on you its impossible to look up fast enough to defend yourself. One nade drop and they just clean you up with the AR. The other issue with the Auto's is stopping power which is new thanks to Sprint.
I'm happy with the new weapon tuning update, so far it's made me switch from DMR back to the BR. I also like how they buffed up automatic gun since it's hardly ever used in many games. With this new update, the DMR isn't the main weapon of choice now. Other guns finally have a chance to compete against it.
AvalonX said:
At it's core Jetpacking is broken anyway because you do not have the ability to tune the "Y" axis (looking up/down). So when they have the drop on you its impossible to look up fast enough to defend yourself. One nade drop and they just clean you up with the AR. The other issue with the Auto's is stopping power which is new thanks to Sprint.
Meh, it sort of makes sense in context I guess. How would you react to someone just suddenly jumping on you, guns blazing, and oh yeah they have a jetpack?

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