Can You Remember Getting Halo 2?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2012
I remember when I first got it, back in '04. It was Christmas, and I absolutely adored the game; it introduced different storylines and made me so happy. I played it repeatedly, both online and offline. If I recall, this was where they introduced the 'Killed by the Guardians' tagline. Who are the Guardians? Hahaha!

I genuinely thought that during the bridge battle, when Sgt. Johnson brings you the tank, that the female marine he speaks to would be a major character, but she ended up being killed on that very bridge.

'I know what the ladies like'.
I've been killed by the guardians more times than I care to remember!

I got my copy of Halo 2 used after a friend of mine ORDERED me to get a copy for my house. He later regretted telling me to do that when I became a better player than him, hehe. Good times!
I remember when I got Halo 2.

At the time, I knew nothing about the game. Like most people, it was given to me as a Christmas present. Needless to say though, I was very happy with it :)
I was extremely happy with Halo 2, honestly, some of the best gaming times I've had came with that game. I got Xbox Live with it too!

I don't know if anybody remembers, but there was a map-pack for the game which had a level on it with two monorails running through the map, and if you got hit by a train, you were "Killed by the Guardians"!
I got Halo two rather late in time. I actually only started playing it online roughly a month before the LIVE servers for it were shut down. (Yay, free goodies for being a "loyal" LIVE player :p ) About being killed by the guardians, my experiences were in Halo 3. Especially on the desert maps, I so enjoyed breaking the game to go out-of-bounds. :)

In fact, I only beat Halo 2 few months ago. It was rather annoying to play because the campaign mode kept making me fall through the ground and sometimes the screen would flash and stick to an image so I'd see the same thing for 15 minutes; the actual game kept going, however...

Maybe you have a broken game disc? :p

And I agree, you deserve a thousand points for being a dedicated Halo 2 Live player for that amazingly long stint at Halo 2 ;D
Speaking of dedicated Halo 2 players, did those last few people that played it before the servers went offline ever get the reward they were promised by Microsoft?
Speaking of dedicated Halo 2 players, did those last few people that played it before the servers went offline ever get the reward they were promised by Microsoft?

Well, I got it for sure. :p 800 MS points and, uh. I think it was three months of X-Box LIVE Gold.

Or is that the reward you're even talking about?
I actually did not own the original Xbox at the time. I wasn't sold on the first Halo game when it came out and played mostly my GameCube. I thought it was a stupid idea for Microsoft to make a game console, and you have to admit that Xbox 1 looked ridiculously huge and just didn't look like a serious competitor to Sony and Nintendo.

But then the hype grew so strong for Halo 2, that I bought the Xbox with Halo 2, and then a few months later I modded my Xbox and made it into a media center lol.
Well, I got it for sure. :p 800 MS points and, uh. I think it was three months of X-Box LIVE Gold.

Or is that the reward you're even talking about?

The reward in question had to do with Microsoft shutting down Halo 2 servers. When they were about to shut it down, the game still had a few devoted members playing on it.

And as a way of saying thank you for the support, Microsoft was going to give them some sort of reward.
I remember the first match i played. Slayer on Headlong. After that match i was deeply in love with the Halo Universe
Got it for Christmas as well, but didn't think much of it at the time. I had plenty of presents and put halo aside for a little bit... little did I know it would change my life :p

Wasn't able to leave the game once I finally started playing. I was getting pretty good too, it was the first time I invested myself in a game like that. Great times!
I also got it for Christmas too. My fat PS2 recently died and I decided to get an Xbox along with Halo 2. I remember actually finding an Xbox at the time was very difficult. After searching a dozen stores, we finally found some at Best Buy for a much higher price (as you had to by a wireless controller and a remote for DVDs) but at that point we were desperate.

I played the crap out of single player, particularly the first few missions. I loved all of the art design decisions, and all of the advancements in the AI and general gameplay. I enjoyed the multiplayer alot, didn't get to play it much, sadly. :(
I recall being driven mad because I couldn't get the game at launch, and I never wanted to leave my friends' houses. Shortly after Christmas '04, I had my first online experience with Halo 2, and it changed my entire perspective on multiplayer gaming; which wasn't the first time a Halo game managed to do so.
I remember it like it was yesterday. All of my friends were getting it too. After me and my mom bought it at the game shop I tore the plastic off of it right away and started reading the manual, I remember the pictures of the vehicles and weapons, I was so pumped.
I got the game used (but in great condition) from Hastings when it went on sale quite suddenly. The guy at the counter commented about how he should get the game since it was on sale, and even he was a bit surprised by the price drop. As popular as it was, the price drop was a pleasant surprise. I don't really like buying used, but I ended up getting a like-new copy anyway so it worked out.
Yup, coming home from school I saw the silver case (limited edition) sitting there shining on the kitchen table. I was like "Is that?..No way,". The thing is, my mom had forgotten to hide it from me, so she was considering taking it back. I had to litteraly beg her not to, and then procedded to have one of the best most memerorable five hours of my gaming life.
I got Halo 2 on my birthday in January back in 2005. It was the best gift my brother has gotten me so far. He told me he forgot it was my birthday that year, and I remember getting real sad. Then during my birthday dinner, he randomly pulls out a gift and gives it to me.
TorchuVadergear said:
Well, I got it for sure. :p 800 MS points and, uh. I think it was three months of X-Box LIVE Gold.

Or is that the reward you're even talking about?
That's not exactly a lot. I would have thought they'd have given you something so much more than that considering how much time and dedication you put into playing their titular title, you know?

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