Creating Noble Team in Halo 4


New Member
May 10, 2014
So i searched all over the web and on Youtube and it seems that nobody has ever bothered to do this. I can see why as the armor in H4 and HR are not even remotely similar (with very minor exceptions) but i like to do stuff like this with various games and universes so this was right up my alley. So i have made a list that recreates them "as they were" on a visual level (as close as you can get) and a list of them "as they would be now" on a timeline-level.

List A
H: Recruit
C: Mark V
L S: Commando
R S: Mark V
A: Mark V
L: Mark V
V: Legendary
CS: Blue/Steel

H: Air Assault
C: Mark V
L S: Air Assault
R S: Air Assault
A: Mark V
L: Mark V
V: Frost
CS: Aqua/Aqua

H: Enforcer
C: Hazop
L S: Engineer
R S: Commando
A: Mark V
L: Mark V
V: Solar
CS: Gold/Maroon or Olive/Gold or Olive/Maroon

H: Orbital
C: Mark V
L S: Ranger
R S: Rogue
A: Mark V
L: Mark V
V: Legendary
CS: Steel/Maroon

H: Warrior Matrix
C: Mark V
L S: Mark V
R S: Mark V
A: Mark V
L: Mark V
V: Solar
CS: Olive/Cobalt

I post List B a little bit later to show how i believe they would look had they survived to this point (yes i know that comic says Jun is alive but whatever)
List B
H: Commando
C: Commando
L S: Commando
R S: Mark VI
A: Mark VI
L: Mark VI
V: Legendary
CS: Blue/Steel

H: Air Assault
C: Mark VI
L S: Air Assault
R S: Air Assault
A: Mark VI
L: Mark VI
V: Frost
CS: Aqua/Aqua

H: Mark VI
C: Gungnir
R S: Gungnir
A: Outer-Plated
L: Bulk
V: Solar
CS: Gold/Maroon or Olive/Gold or Olive/Maroon

H: EVA Breach
C: Orbital
L S: Operator
R S: Rogue
A: Mark VI
L: Mark VI
V: Legendary
CS: Steel/Maroon

H: Scout
C: Scout
L S: Mark VI
R S: Scout
A: Mark VI
L: Mark VI
V: Solar
CS: Olive/Cobalt

This is the Best i could come up with after looking through everything available in H4 but if anyone thinks they know better representation then i am all ears. NOTE: Although it would be cool to do a Spartan Ops playthrough as Noble Team you cant do the "as they were" set in it because the Mark V is only available via DLC which does not work in Spartan Ops because 343 are lazy dream crushers...anyways i look forward to opinions
I don't suppose you have any photos to show those of us who don't have Halo 4 at hand to put these into actions?

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