Destiny art style

Spartan Ops

Apr 18, 2013
I am noticing a lot of influences from other great developers in the Destiny artwork that Bungie has put out so far. I wonder if they meant it as sort of a tribute to video game heritage or if they just want as clean a break from the Halo Universe as possible.

It's a little hard to tell how compelling the final Destiny universe will be, but they seem to be putting a lot of effort in the art elements.
Now that we're seeing more gameplay videos and screenshots, the game does closely resemble Halo as a whole. But I think they'll be able to distance themselves once players get the hang of the game and figure out its story. I happened to tune into the E3 stream when they were playing a demo of Destiny--without any idea what it was--and I thought it may be a new Halo game before I realized what it was. They may be similar at first glance, but I get the feeling that looks can be deceiving.
We have see only a tiny bit of staged gameplay at E3. So it's really hard to predict anything right now as to how the game will look and play and which games have influenced the development of Destiny. However, they have talked a bit about how he game influenced by games like The Gta IV and Borederlands.
Well, now that it's a year later, I can tell you guys in the past that it is looking like it'll be the best of all worlds, and will be a sort of homage to the entire industry, and the legends which have gone before.

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The revamp is complete!
Ooops I did it again.
Please don't tell me I'm in a Ghost Town :(
So sad that Halo CE for PC is ending in a few days.
Time to start gearing up for Destiny, I guess