Destiny Forum is now live


Staff member
Sep 19, 2012
There's no point in waiting. It's on everyone's minds, and people want to talk about Destiny. So here you go, a live Destiny forum.

All of us can't wait for more news from Bungie. :D
Thanks, crunchy! This keeps the discussion more focused, and I'm definitely eager to discuss Destiny.
This is very useful! Thanks for setting this up! I can now see almost live information without having to look all over the internet. Again, thanks for sharing!
Thanks, most sites I visit don't even have a subforum for Destiny yet. I kind of blew it up because it seems this place is a ghost town and I'm talking to myself mostly ( I don't mean to spam !) I'm just interested in Halo and Destiny. Good forum you got here, along with Nintendo Forums. Wish I was multi-talented and could run multiple web domains. Just not IT and website savvy enough.

Good work :D
Shimus said:
Thanks, most sites I visit don't even have a subforum for Destiny yet. I kind of blew it up because it seems this place is a ghost town and I'm talking to myself mostly ( I don't mean to spam !) I'm just interested in Halo and Destiny. Good forum you got here, along with Nintendo Forums. Wish I was multi-talented and could run multiple web domains. Just not IT and website savvy enough.

Good work :D
Agreed. Finally a place to talk about Destiny. Hopefully if there are renovations and more people can come, we can talk over with more material.

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Status updates

The revamp is complete!
Ooops I did it again.
Please don't tell me I'm in a Ghost Town :(
So sad that Halo CE for PC is ending in a few days.
Time to start gearing up for Destiny, I guess