Did Black Ops II eclipse Halo 4?


Active Member
Nov 2, 2012
Before these 2 games were released, I expected a game with strong pedigree like Halo 4 would be the undisputed winner these holidays, but now looking back at November, it seems like Black Ops II stole a lot of Halo 4's thunder. I'm not playing nearly as much Black Ops II as Halo 4 (the artwork and fantasy theme just sit much better with me than realistic war settings), but some of my friends are spending more and more time with it.
i think black ops 2 eclipsed halo 4 profit wise but halo 4 beat black ops 2 content wise. the reason why people bought black ops 2 more than halo 4 is that it is easier for new players and noobs will do better. in halo new players will have a hard time adapting so they will not do as well as they would in black ops 2. so to sum up they eclipsed eachother in different contests
Blacks Ops 2 had way more advertisement than Halo 4, the average uneducated gamer would assume black ops 2 would be the better game, but we all know thats not the case
owlfreelancer said:
i think black ops 2 eclipsed halo 4 profit wise but halo 4 beat black ops 2 content wise. the reason why people bought black ops 2 more than halo 4 is that it is easier for new players and noobs will do better. in halo new players will have a hard time adapting so they will not do as well as they would in black ops 2. so to sum up they eclipsed eachother in different contests
^ This.
owlfreelancer said:
i think black ops 2 eclipsed halo 4 profit wise but halo 4 beat black ops 2 content wise. the reason why people bought black ops 2 more than halo 4 is that it is easier for new players and noobs will do better. in halo new players will have a hard time adapting so they will not do as well as they would in black ops 2. so to sum up they eclipsed eachother in different contests
true and true, good way of looking at it owlfreelancer ^-^

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