Did you attend the DESTINY pre-release? (Midnight-Release)


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2015
NW PA, Erie Region
I did. I waited in line at a mall, and we got cool swag bracelets. Some got hats and tshirts, and I remember getting a poster we still have on our wall with the Hunter holding thorn over the hellmouth. I played the beta, so I knew I would wait in line since then. I was disappointed, and I ate the content up. However, I was disappointed by lack of released content being spaced out.

Overall though, the hype train can continue to roll. Some people may call it overrated or horribly planned (and some of them wouldn't be wrong, either) but I still enjoy it. They have potential to fix it, however.

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The revamp is complete!
Ooops I did it again.
Please don't tell me I'm in a Ghost Town :(
So sad that Halo CE for PC is ending in a few days.
Time to start gearing up for Destiny, I guess