New Member
Hey pantsies, just registered to tell you all that after more than 10 years, Halo still sucks.
Out of all the FPS games I've played, Halo one of the most boring, non-innovative shooters ever made. Terrible plot, no believable characters, gameplay mechanics are cliche shit. It still boggles my mind how Halo and Halo 2 were able to move so many Xbox units. Oh, I forgot, it's because Xbox sucked too. Crummy games move crummy consoles.
But seriously, Halo 4, man. What a failure. I would rather spend the rest of my days playing outdated Battlefield games than whatever the newest Halo game is. Give it some thought.
Out of all the FPS games I've played, Halo one of the most boring, non-innovative shooters ever made. Terrible plot, no believable characters, gameplay mechanics are cliche shit. It still boggles my mind how Halo and Halo 2 were able to move so many Xbox units. Oh, I forgot, it's because Xbox sucked too. Crummy games move crummy consoles.
But seriously, Halo 4, man. What a failure. I would rather spend the rest of my days playing outdated Battlefield games than whatever the newest Halo game is. Give it some thought.