HF Halo 4 Bullseye Map Pack Community Play Date.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
Alright HF lets see if we can get this ball rollin'....

Even though we are relatively a small forum, there has been a growth of new members. I'm thinking it would be a cool idea to get this community together and play some Halo 4! When? August 20th, 2013, the day of the Champions Bundle/Bullseye Map Pack.

Games we can play and are not limited to:
  • The new game type, Ricoche.
  • 4 v 4 in the new maps. Pitfall and Vertigo.
  • BTB
  • Grifball
  • SWAT
Now, we can come across a few problems that will either delay or cancel this. Not everyone can get DLC on the first day. This is understandable and if enough people can't get the DLC on day one then this can be pushed 1-2 weeks.

Another problem is time zones. I was thinking of starting this at 8 PM EST. How is this time for you guys? I can be very flexible with time so please give me your input.

Just throwing the idea out there to see if you guys will be interested in this. Remember, this is not exclusive to HF members. Please bring a buddy along for the fun. The idea behind this is to become a tighter community and have fun!
This is actually an amazing idea. We should put together an announcement/invite that I can send out to the members.
crunchyg said:
This is actually an amazing idea. We should put together an announcement/invite that I can send out to the members.
Thanks :)

From my experience of organizing these in the past it's best to have members send a message to a GT (I volunteer myself to accept these messages) at the time of the party. Not before because it will get all confusing lol. So I will invite 7 people at a time to the party.

If the demand is higher than expected then we ask members to still leave my GT a message and after 2-3 games I drop the party and begin a new party with awaiting members who messaged me a first-come-first-served basis.

I'm currently in the process of photoshopping a flyer to promote this. If it's good, we can use it for an official HF announcement :).

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