Holy ODST Legendary Solo is hard


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Anyone ever try to beat ODST Solo on Legendary? I always though I did until I checked my achievements. Now my Halo honor makes me want to do it. It's ridiculous hard, limited ammo and you die constantly. Anyone ever do it?
I've beat it solo on Legendary. It did have its hard parts. But I wouldn't consider it as difficult as Halo 2 or CE on Legendary. Those were a nightmare.
I did both of those as well. Halo CE was much more of a corridor shooter at times plus the library where you couldn't tell where the hell you were going. Halo 2 I didn't find as hard solo as these other 2. The lack of ammo + no shield really hurts. The mood in the music in ODST though, wow.
It took me quite a while to finish it on Legendary solo. After dying more than 25 times in a row on one part made me question my sanity. I'm frankly quite surprised I didn't smash my controller into a million pieces when playing through the campaign. However, perseverance and countless tries finally helped me finish the game.
AvalonX said:
Anyone ever try to beat ODST Solo on Legendary? I always though I did until I checked my achievements. Now my Halo honor makes me want to do it. It's ridiculous hard, limited ammo and you die constantly. Anyone ever do it?
Tried. Plenty of times. So, so many times have I tried to beat Legendary. Even with partners I can't manage it, so there's been no hope of me doing it Solo.
ODST is one of the harder titles to solo on Legendary in my view. It's easy to have a jaded view about a particular game in a series when gauging difficulty if you're already well-acquainted. I personally noticed this when I was breezing through Legendary on CEA, as I used to consider CE to be the hardest title, and it probably is if I were to be objective.
Definitely not as hard as 2:CE Legendary, it had choke points like mentioned above. The constantly dying in a bottlenecked area. Limited ammo forcing you to try to be a "Hero" as you melee legendary level enemies... it had thrills of its own. Plus it had a unique storyline.

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