Let's spread the word


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
Halo Forum has potential and I would love to see this site become very active.

Lets come up with ways to bring forth a wave of Halo fans to the forums.

My ideas:

  • Twitter Page
  • Youtube Page
  • Word of mouth
  • SPAM! (Ok maybe not spam)
Those of us with a youtube account can advertise the site in your Halo related videos.

Admin, let me know if any of the ideas above interest you and we'll work from there.
Spreading the word would be great. We have Facebook and Twitter accounts but not enough original content to post stuff right now. I am working with the creator of the Halo Tracker app on a possible partnership between the app and the site. Any other way to get the word out would help too.
How about stuff like forums for rp's and stuff, i know a lot of people who want a good Spartan Boot camp rp.
I think what will really help us out is holding community game nights and perhaps a youtube channel. Game nights will really build a nice foundation for the upcoming community.
crunchyg said:
Role play?
Ya role play's, game night's would be good to, also a thought might be doing MLG play through's of the halo series with thing's like skull spot's and ester egg hunt's.
We already have a couple people who give us shoutouts in their Halo videos on Youtube, and we could use more help!

If you would like to help with running the official Halo Forum channel, let me know, and we'll cook something up.
I've added this site to a thread called Other Halo Forge Websites that I have posted on popular Halo forums such as Halo Customs, Halo Council, etc.

You can view the threads here,



Great, now we just need to promote your channel. :lol:
Zandril said:
I've added this site to a thread called Other Halo Forge Websites that I have posted on popular Halo forums such as Halo Customs, Halo Council, etc.

You can view the threads here,



Impressive ;)
FoeLion said:
I recognize you. Do you still post there?
From time to time. Very rarely now.

It hasn't been the same since the Flood forums died along with the old b.net.

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Status updates

The revamp is complete!
Ooops I did it again.
Please don't tell me I'm in a Ghost Town :(
So sad that Halo CE for PC is ending in a few days.
Time to start gearing up for Destiny, I guess