No MLG in Halo 4


Active Member
Dec 17, 2012
Well I was wondering what you guys thought about MLG dropping Halo 4 off the circuit. Personally I was quite disappointed by the decision considering how much time I played in that playlist in Halo 3. I understand their decision though, Halo 4 is far different but I still have trouble rapping my mind around a halo game without their addicted MLG gamers.

So what do you guys think about a Halo without MLG? Good or Bad, do you care or have you ever played MLG?!?
I felt like Halo 4 was built for MLG, I can only hope they change their minds in the near future
Big mistake for MLG I think, I log on to play Halo, not MLG and so I will play Halo without MLG now. Their loss.

I really hate it when a bunch of twitchy video game players who have ego's the size of Saturn decide to get political and/or greedy. I would much prefer to have seen loyalty, now I have to choose and I pick HALO 4!!
Actually, after reading a bit more, it's because MLG is being paid to promote MW and because they got no contract signed with Halo so it IS all about money.

As far as I'm concerned MLG just made a HUGE mistake. Halo is an awesome game and I don't really want to associate with a company they is only promoting games they are paid to anyway.

I'll stick with my guns on this, Halo rocks!
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it's a sad day for Halo and MLG. Especially seeing the presentation of the Virgin Gaming competitions. So MS made a deal with Virgin for Halo anyway. So much random stuff in Halo 4 makes it hard for it to compete at all.
AvalonX said:
I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it's a sad day for Halo and MLG. Especially seeing the presentation of the Virgin Gaming competitions. So MS made a deal with Virgin for Halo anyway. So much random stuff in Halo 4 makes it hard for it to compete at all.
Exactly! I feel as though there is absolutely no competition in Halo 4 because of the randomness of the game. I sometimes find myself walking around and power weapons spawn right next to me without warning or without me knowing that they will spawn there. Not to mention that their maps are not equal, they are different on all sides which causes a huge advantage for one team and a disadvantage for the other.

I'm looking forward to seeing how they will correct this mistake and perhaps then we will see MLG return to Halo.

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