Quickly grab this FREE iOS application before it is taken down by Microsoft!


Mar 20, 2013
I am not trying to spam, cause problems, be annoying, but I created an iOS application that tracks your Halo 4 stats. Many applications have appeared on the store, and they have all been taken down. Mine will be next undoubtedly. Let's all be honest here, Waypoint sucks.

I created this application because I love Halo as much as you do. You can view it on iTunes here.

Oh yea, it's free and it is a universal app.

Once again, I am not trying to be a nuisance. Everybody that has tried my app has loved it so far and I know Microsoft will pull it soon so if you want it, download it before it is gone!

Thank you for your time! I will never mention anything about it again!
I'll leave this up just to see how quickly the app is taken down. :p
Atothendrew24 said:
That is amazing to hear! I hope that you like it! I am working on a HUGE update for it right now!
I love this app! Waypoint's app is painfully slow for me. I've seen this app mentioned on /r/halo.
This is awesome, thanks a lot for sharing this great application with us!
No problem at all! I have a huge update coming out very soon that will fix some problems and add a bunch of new features! I am very glad that you like it!

Thank you for responding!
Nice to see this app is sticking around. I saw the previous messages about Microsoft or 343 trying to bring it down.
I ended up getting very lucky. I sent them an email explaining that I really don't want to compete with Waypoint at all. Waypoint is great for really advanced stats such as detailed game data. Whereas my app is just meant to quickly check your stats, or the stats of your friends.

I submitted an update to Apple one week ago that adds CSR features. It should (hopefully) be reviewed today or tomorrow!

Thanks for the support! :)
Atothendrew24 said:
I submitted an update to Apple one week ago that adds CSR features. It should (hopefully) be reviewed today or tomorrow!

Thanks for the support! :)
AWESOME!!! I can't wait.

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The revamp is complete!
Ooops I did it again.
Please don't tell me I'm in a Ghost Town :(
So sad that Halo CE for PC is ending in a few days.
Time to start gearing up for Destiny, I guess