From Waypoint:
GT: Inzombiak

Good opportunity for those who have not hit the 130 cap (like myself). If anyone is down this weekend to party up and bang out 10 games then lets all exchange GTs here.Season 1 of Spartan Ops is re-running strong, and we want to reward you for rewarding yourself, by playing Spartan Ops the weekend of May 3-5. When you play and complete 10 Chapters of Spartan Ops, we will give you 10 Double XP Matches!
Once you receive your 10 matches on May 24th, you will be able to see your Double Experience Points stats appear during the post-game summary in the very next 10 Halo 4 Infinity Multiplayer games you play, whether it be Spartan Ops Chapters or War Games Matches, or any combination of the two.
To get all the details regarding times, prizes and more, check out the Terms and Conditions. Hope to see you next weekend on the virtual battlefield!
GT: Inzombiak