Still do not have your SR-130? Try this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
I am not an SR-130 yet. For some odd reason I decided to go into Spartan Ops matchmaking yesterday. I had Fast Track equipped. I was shocked to see I was awarded over 9k xp for one episode! The good thing about matchmaking is you usually have 4 people so you blow through it pretty fast. Just pick the most popular episode that week and grind away.
This is a really good way to level up, but it gets boring after doing the same mission 5 times in a row. I have reached SR-130 a couple months ago by doing both matchmaking and Spartan Ops. If I get bored regular matchmaking I switch over to Spartan Ops, vice versa.
AvalonX said:
I am not an SR-130 yet. For some odd reason I decided to go into Spartan Ops matchmaking yesterday. I had Fast Track equipped. I was shocked to see I was awarded over 9k xp for one episode! The good thing about matchmaking is you usually have 4 people so you blow through it pretty fast. Just pick the most popular episode that week and grind away.
Thanks, I'll try this out because I've still yet to get my SR-130. I've really got to take my thumb our, or of course I could just do this ;)

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