Suppressed weapons - A missed opportunity?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2013
I thought the suppressed SMG and pistol were a great idea, and I was psyched that Bungie was going to try something new. However, what we ended up with was just weapons we're already familiar with that have slight cosmetic changes and different sounds. I wish they could have had implications on gameplay, such as: take out the lesser enemies of a group, while the Brutes would be none the wiser.
With motion sensors, and brutes very good since of smell silencers would not have helped at all. Besides, in match making they would be pointless
Recon said:
With motion sensors, and brutes very good since of smell silencers would not have helped at all. Besides, in match making they would be pointless
Certainly they could have done something with them that influenced the gameplay, although I agree with the matchmaking part.

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