The Neverending Finale


New Member
Dec 8, 2012
When we were reaching the end of the game, after maneuvering through the army of Sporoids in the Library didn't you think for a moment that the game was going to end and actually it didn't? It felt at each level after that that this was going to be the last mission.
Me and my friend also experienced this and I thought maybe everyone as a whole felt the same. That is why I decided to share it here.
What do you think about this?
Any story, if properly told, leaves you wanting more so if you're expecting the end it had better not be the end or esle it had better have been satisfying. I didn't get that feeling but I was in a hurry to unlock stuff and get it on in multi-player really. I rushed through some good stuff no doubt.
Yea, I had that feeling creep up in my chest a couple of times. I remeber at one point, I thought the level Keyes would be the last one in the game. I know now that it isn't the case at all, but I also didn't really understand the story at the time so I figured that after we saved the captain, we did it!
BigBigFan said:
Any story, if properly told, leaves you wanting more so if you're expecting the end it had better not be the end or esle it had better have been satisfying. I didn't get that feeling but I was in a hurry to unlock stuff and get it on in multi-player really. I rushed through some good stuff no doubt.
Hmm I dunno if I'd exactly agree with that. Some stories just abruptly end, some even in the middle of a sent-

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Please don't tell me I'm in a Ghost Town :(
So sad that Halo CE for PC is ending in a few days.
Time to start gearing up for Destiny, I guess