The Verge interviews 343 Industries about Halo 4 concept art


Staff member
Sep 19, 2012

The Verge has posted an excellent feature with Gabriel Garza, the 343 Industries concept artist responsible for the Halo 4 work. Interesting quotes and beautiful Halo artwork included!

It's really hard to create new artwork and characters on an established game title because they need to be amazing and familiar at the same time. The look of a character has to feel just right in order to be accepted, can you imagine turning the corner in Halo and seeing big bird or garfield style toons? Sure you'd blow them away but it would take you out of the "this is Halo and Halo rocks" mentality.

Thanks for not bringing in the cheese 343i. The art looks good so far.
I'm working on a few isolated projects with different contacts at the moment, so I really enjoyed reading about an established artist's point of view when working with his friends on something that he enjoys working on. This is a very interesting interview and it showed me that my methods are really tried-and true, I just need to focus more time on them...

Anyway, the characters of Halo 4 really seem spot-on to me. Everything, I mean absolutely everything seemed perfect. Garza is doing an excellent job and I hope he continues working with 343 for the remainder of this trilogy; if not longer.

Garza just took on some new responsibilities didn't he? I read in another forum that they are worried about competition and are changing direction already. Of course that's probably just some random joe saying something to get attention but, is it true? Does Garza have a social profile linked publicly??

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