What do you want in terms of Halo 4 DLC?


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2012
We all know it's coming. It's a blessing/curse part of this generation of gaming. The oh-so controversal downloadable content. And of course, the Halo series is no stranger to having it's own dlc. But now with Halo 4 officially out the games and played thoroughly, what do you expect in terms of dlc for this game?
I wish that they'd add a lot more gametypes like they had in the past Halos. I think it's good that they are adding some bit by bit but I would like to see a lot more than what they are doing. I would also like to see bigger maps in the map packs, none of the maps seem to be very large like some of the Halo 3 or Reach maps. The maps that are pretty big are way too crowded with stuff.
I just like to putz around killing people in multi-player. I've played long enough that my K/D ratio is easily 2-1 and I've come to learn that death is inevitable when someone gets the drop on you. It's all about positioning, still, I'd like them to make some DL content that gives you a fighting chance. Sometimes I get bored killing others when it is "too easy" ya nkow?
What can we expect to see in the Halo 4 DLC? New maps hopefully!

The only two maps I ever end up playing are Haven, or Abandon - Complex when no one bothers to veto. The maps are not that great in the Slayer playlist. Hopefully they bring back some Halo 3 concepts, I would love to see a Halo 4 version of Guardian or Onslaught.

I really don't see what else they can bring in the DLC....
They brought back some Halo 3 maps which are some of my favorite maps actually. You've got to remember that this isn't bungie anymore, some new blood has taken over and they have carte blanche to change things as they see fit. My biggest beef is I don't see what they are doing to compete with Modern Warfare in multiplayer. MW keeps getting better while Halo keeps bringing more of the same.
BigBigFan said:
They brought back some Halo 3 maps which are some of my favorite maps actually. You've got to remember that this isn't bungie anymore, some new blood has taken over and they have carte blanche to change things as they see fit. My biggest beef is I don't see what they are doing to compete with Modern Warfare in multiplayer. MW keeps getting better while Halo keeps bringing more of the same.
Good point, not to mention that it seems as though 343 is bringing some Modern Warfare content into the game. Personally I am not a big fan of the new loadout option or of the sprint for that matter. If I wanted customizations and loadouts I would go on Call of Duty.

I have to say the menu isn't that great either, perhaps we need some getting used too but the Halo 3 menu was a lot easier to navigate in. Hopefully you have a more modern television than me but for those still running with older T.V's reading what is on the screen is a challenge. From memory I didn't struggle too much with the Halo 3 font. Looks like one big blur, perhaps they could fix that in the future!
I agree, the menu needs improvement, I get bored with it pretty quickly already when things take longer to find.

I'm still not sold on it and if they had done everything right I would have been. It's a good game but it feels more clunky than 3 did, too many changes that didn't really need to be made. If it's not broken...
The main issue with the lobby menu's is its too hard to figure out how good a team you are playing with. You need to click their service record > War Games and look at their kills vs deaths. That should be made easier as the SR ranks are nonsense with all the double XP out there. I run around a 1.50 k/d and most of the high rank SRs are negative.
It would be cool to have DLC to replicate favorite maps that are absent from the game. Some of the maps from the first couple of games are still amongst the most popular, and I'm sure they could expand on that. Adding more options for custom games would be good, too, since it keeps the game feeling fresh in general. As long as they don't suddenly release Halo 5, there shouldn't be much concern about dwindling player pools. One of my biggest worries is that I'll get into a game and then everyone will suddenly stop playing. That's the bad thing about waiting for price drops, but sometimes you get lucky.
To be honest, I want a Forge Island 2.0 DLC

Basically one with two more islands. One that's not flat and can house a proper remake of Blood Gulch and another with a beach area.
I'd rather see more features than just maps. Different maps are good and all, but they don't change anything about the game. If they added different game modes, especially on Infinity multiplayer, I'd be more willing to download additional content.
For new game modes, I'd LOVE it if they brought back Invasion. I know it won't feel the same because Elites aren't in matchmaking anymore but I'd still want Invasion back.

Also 1 Flag CTF, Neutral Bomb, and Race.
I tend to avoid DLC for shooters, unless it's strictly map packs. Aside from that I really have no desire to pay extra for more of the same. That's why I prefer game of the year editions, complete editions, or whatever else that's equivalent, so long as the price is right.

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