Halo 4 Multi-Player Map Walkthrough - Ragnarok


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2012
If you're still on the fence about Halo 4 take a look at this excellent walkthrough of the multi-player map Ragnarok by IGN. Spoiler: Halo 3 lovers will recognize this map as being Valhalla :)

Take a look at the skies and the waterfall, everything has been taken up a notch in making the graphics perfect. What do you think?
Mantis anyone?

This is very nice. The debut of one of the most popular Halo 3 maps is certianly a nice thing to see in the new Halo 4. Although, Valhalla was never my favorite. I find myself wishing for Sandtrap or Guardian instead. In either case, however, none of my favorite maps would offer as balanced a playing field for the new game elements as well as Valhalla--AKA Ragnarok--would. I think that 343 made a good choice in picking their throwback map.

The new rock surface designs look very realistic too. I'll say I'm a bit opposed to them because of their squarish nature; but that's just me :p

The new rock surface designs look very realistic too. I'll say I'm a bit opposed to them because of their squarish nature; but that's just me :p


That's the first thing I said to myself as well. The square like look is a little off putting. But other than that, it's a nice video.
I'm in love with this map all over again. They really toned down the damage and made tactics much more important to have than in Valhalla but it's still a map control gamestyle, just look out for the snipers. One shot kills are rampant.
I actually had the exact opposite reaction. I can't believe how broken it is. Its not just the map but the plasma pistol and plasma grenade loadouts destroy BTB. Its no joy with Camo DMR snipers hiding in cracks where you can't see them.
I play with a clan of regulars AvalonX and we tend to use a player named FrankSteiner as bait. He runs out all Kamikaze style while we watch for enemy reactions and when they pop out to kill just him we open up and hammer them all. I think this map is great for clan play.
I can't believe the flak they are getting in some other blogs for refreshing this map. I'd have missed it if it was gone, it's truly a classic map.

I cut my teeth on this map, at first I hugged the tunnels because I was always getting destroyed in center, the shotgun spawns in the tunnels too so, come get some!
This is very nice. The debut of one of the most popular Halo 3 maps is certianly a nice thing to see in the new Halo 4. Although, Valhalla was never my favorite. I find myself wishing for Sandtrap or Guardian instead. In either case, however, none of my favorite maps would offer as balanced a playing field for the new game elements as well as Valhalla--AKA Ragnarok--would. I think that 343 made a good choice in picking their throwback map.

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